
September 2020.  Submission to the APPG for Dark Skies

This submission to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Dark Skies was made prior to the formation of The Democratic Network.  It provides an example of the type of research we are able to undertake.  The submission includes relevant links and summarises a key scientific paper on the detrimental effect of artificial light at night on insect populations and biodiversity.  The submission called for increase awareness of lighting ‘good practice’ (and lighting ‘harms’) and means by which lighting guidance could be more diligently applied by local authorities in particular in rural areas.  Organisations active in this area (referred to in the submission) include:

  • British Astronomical Association’s Commission for Dark Skies
  • Insect charity Buglife
  • The CPRE
  • The Institute of Lighting Practitioners.

The full submission is available here.